I cant say enough how much this app and website have changed my life. For the last few weeks since I got the app, Ive been talking about it nearly non-stop... And for good reason. Ive struggled for at least 12 years with self discipline and motivation, and no matter what, no organizational apps have been able to keep up with me and my needs. But this is set up perfectly to help me just the way I need. It gives me tangible things to work towards accomplishing, with more of a reward than the sense of accomplishment of checking something off. It helps me to see the progress Ive made and break things down into manageable tasks, to sort them in ways that are logical to me, and to take hold of my life day to day as well as in the long term. Ive nearly all but broken one of my longest standing bad habits, and the dailies allow me to make sure Im getting done the small things each day that I might otherwise forget in the midst of a schedule that changes dramatically day to day.
The app doesnt have quite as much functionality as the website, in terms of not having quite as many little goodies, and there are the occasional glitches. But on the whole, the main functionality of the app, where the task management is concerned, functions exactly as it should, and thats what matters the most. I definitely recommend using it concurrent with the website interface, as some of the other aspects function a bit better there. But on the whole? The experience is incredible no matter where you use it.
Id say this app may not be for everyone, but since starting to use it, Ive gotten my family into using it, and theyve in turn spread it to their friends... So thats people anywhere from their mid-50s to as young as high school all finding the benefit in it. So maybe its not for everyone... But I think everyone should at least give it a try before deciding its not for them, because the appeal is pretty universal.